Thursday, October 29, 2009

An Early Trick or Treat Outing!

Our wonderful mall hosted a kid safe trick or treat event this evening. The original plan was for Sean and I to take him; however, Sean got called into work for some overtime hours. Nate and I decided to go ahead and go on our own. Although we missed having daddy with us, we had a great time! Nate did amazing. Every vendor he saw he would yell "Trick or Treat!". I was also impressed that he remembered to say thank you after receiving his loot!

Nate playing before getting dressed in his costume.

He would roar at everyone! It was hilarious.

Nate and his buddy Gavin.

Nate and his loot!

Good job Nate! You did an amazing job tonight!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

Nate is so excited about Halloween! He wanted to start early on his pumpkin carving so of course we started early! Here are a few pictures...........

I can do it!

Nate loves to help clean the house now. Yes, it takes much longer to get it done but that's okay!

I must add that Nate picked out his own clothes this day. I tried to explain to him that his shirt did not match his pants. His response, "Mom, it matches my underwear!"

Where did fall go?

Here in Oklahoma it has gotten very cold. We are seeing fewer and fewer warm days! Here are a few pictures of Nate ..............

Mom I need to shave my whiskers

Our friend Lid bought Nate a child's shaving kit. Nate LOVES it! Here are some pictures of him using his new razor.............

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Monkey Boy

Nate climbs everything! I mean everything...counters, my computer desk, trees, etc.

Another round of illness!

Last week, we took Nate to the doctor for his annual flu shot. In previous years, we were forced to give him an actual shot due to his age. Usually he would develop a fever after the shot but would exhibit no other signs of illness. This year Nate was able to receive the vaccine via nasal spray. We let little man decide how he wanted the medicine administered--of course he chose the spray! Three days after receiving the vaccine Nate had a fever of over 100 and a horrible head cold. It took about four days before he started feeling more like himself. Since we were stuck indoors until he was no longer contagious (I'm not sure if he was but didn't want to risk it) we did many, many craft projects! Here are some pictures of two of them.....................

Monday, October 12, 2009

The month so far...........................

With all the sickness in our house, it has been a long three weeks! Here are some pictures of Nate since we have been well.........

Okay, so it's not Nate. This is his tracing of a lion. He did a great job!

Soccer season is back! Five kids didn't show up for our last game so his friend Winston joined the game to help out!

Helping dad with manual labor.

After nap he came out of his room with ink all over his forehead! Turns out he had hidden a stamp in his room and used it to decorate his head.

I will be better next week with our posts!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A House Full Of Sickies!

Sorry I have not updated the blog. Nate got sick last week and shared his illness with me. We are both much better but now Sean has it.