Friday, March 26, 2010

Broken Drive

My computer is not reading my sd card for some reason. I have pictures to post and will do so as soon as my computer cooperates!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Just an ordinary day until.......

Yesterday started out great! Nate and I decided to do an art project together. Now that he is four he has decided that it is time for mom and dad to start knocking before entering his room (I thought I had years before this would happen)! So, in order to help mommy remember, we made a stop sign. Nate had a blast making it.

It was a pretty uneventful day. Sean had to work the night shift so Nate and I had movie night. I put him to bed around 7 and everything was great. He looked and sounded good, I had no idea what was to come. At around 11 last night, Nate woke up screaming my name. I am glad I have been going to the gym because I did a full out sprint to his room. I found him sitting up in bed, white as a sheet, chocking, coughing and gasping for air. It truly scarred the cr*@ out of me. I called Sean at work so he could hear what was going on. At this point, I had Nate over the toilet as I thought he was going to overthrow. Due to a bad connection, Sean could not hear a thing. I hung up with him and made the decision to throw him in the car and head to the ER. Once there, a lovely nurse heard one of Nate's raspy breaths and let us bypass those that were waiting to be seen. His oxygen level was down to 96 and we were ushered into a room very quickly. Within two minutes the doctor was with us. He determined it was croup (which I didn't not know a four year old could still get) and was given a steriod and breathing treatment to open his airways. It worked wonders! We got home around 1:30 in the morning and I decided to put Nate in bed with me. He was so wired we both didn't get to sleep until around 3:30 am. My little morning owl was still up at 7 this morning and as of this post has yet to take a nap! He is doing much better. He has had a second round of steriods and an antibiotic (he also has yet another ear infection). Here is a picture of him during his breathing treatment.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fun with friends!

Yesterday the sun was out and it was great! Joanne and her son Gavin came over in the afternoon to hang out with us. They boys played outside and loved it! Here are a few pictures....

Our little monkeys

Mom, I can feel the sun on my face!

Nate's dinosaur. He is doing much better at drawing!

An afternoon outside would not be complete without bubbles!

The ten day forecast shows us in the 60's. Of course rain is expected several of those days but I don't care. I'll take weather in the 60's anyway I can get it!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sean's new tattoo

Sean has wanted a tattoo forever! For years, he has been toying around with different ideas of what to get. Finally this last Friday he made his decision. He got a three leaf clover to represent himself, me and Nate and then of course Nate's name. His reason "I will always be Nate's dad". My husband ROCKS!

Snow, Glorious Snow!

A few weeks ago, Lawton actually got snow. Yes, you read that correctly, not ice but real snow! Nate was so excited! He had been waiting all winter to build his 1st snowman.

He is getting so big.

Trying to catch snow in his mouth !

Just being silly

Rolling his snowman

He decided that the snowman needed hair......

That's right, silly string hair!