Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dinner With Friends!

I am soooo behind on my blogging! Sorry guys.

Last Saturday, our friends the Arnolds held a fabulous BBQ. We had a great time!

The grown up table. I have not eaten on such fine china in many moons! It was great to have dinner with fantastic friends!

The kids table. Nate LOVED eating dinner with his friends!

After dinner, the kids and mommies played in Miss Lily's room. Nate found the purses and makeup right away! He loaded all the makeup in his purse and proceeded to take it to the living room so he could doll up dad! After dad's makeover it was my turn! Thanks Rikki for encouraging him in his purse pursuit! I hope you realize you now have to go see him on Broadway with me! LOL!

Many, many thanks to the Arnold clan for having us over for a wonderful evening!

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