Sunday, June 7, 2009

Miniature Golf

Last night we took Nate miniature golfing for the first time. What an adventure! Nate loves the WII golf game we have so we knew he would have a great time actually playing golf. He was a trip! We knew going into the place that his swing was going to be a problem (he is used to doing a full swing); so Sean and I explained to him that we were only going to "putt" the ball due to safety reasons. Nate was on board. So, up he goes to the first area, puts his ball down and softly hit the ball down the green. He is a little too young to understand the rules of the game, so we let him hit his ball until he made it into the hole. It was hilarious to watch him maneuver that ball. It looked like he was playing hockey!

Eager to proceed to the next hole, Nate often became impatient with Sean and I and would "help"- ie pick up our ball and throw it in the hole. It was a blast! About halfway through the course, Nate became much more comfortable with the game. His dad tried to show him several times how to hit the ball but he was much happier going Happy Madison on it! He actually took a running start and swung the hell out of the club! Thankfully, it didn't go far. We will definitely be going again! Here are some pictures of our adorable little man...........

Nate getting ready to take his first swing!

Off it goes! Great job Nate!

Still going....

Almost there...

Woohoo! I love how his feet are off the ground in this picture!

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