Thursday, March 5, 2009

But Daddy Does It!

Yesterday, I was in the dining room when all of a sudden I heard a repetitious BOOM. I went to find out what in sam hill my son was doing. He had taken his airplane and was smashing it into the wall creating holes! After taking the plane away and taking a HUGE deep breath, I asked him why he was making holes in the walls. Here is our conversation:

Mom: "Nathan, what in the world are you doing?"
Nate: "Putting holes in the wall"
Mom: "Why on earth are you putting holes in the walls?"
Nate: "Because my dad does!" (he watched us put holes in the walls when we were putting together his new closet)
Mom: "Nathan Patrick, we do not put holes in the walls! When daddy does it he is fixing something!"
Nate: "Now daddy can fix this!"

Mom: "Nathan, you are going to have to show daddy this when he gets home from work and he is not going to be happy!" (I swore I would never use the wait until dad gets home speech, oh well)

So when Sean got home, Nathan took him in his room to show him his holes.

And a play by play of how the planes flew into the wall!

This weekend, Nate will be enrolled in hole filling 101!

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