Monday, May 11, 2009

Fun with Paper

This morning, our family once again awoke to the sounds of thunder and lightening. By 9:00 AM it was still raining but the lightening was gone. Nate bundled up in his rain gear for a mud filled morning. As we were heading outside, BOOM, the thunder and lightening once again reared its ugly head. Nate was so disappointed! In an effort to keep him entertained (he is not a big fan of inside play) we grabbed a pile of shredded paper out of the office and decided to play "hide the toys". Our friend Amanda gave me the idea. She mixes cornstarch and water in a large bucket and hides Kylee's toys in the mixture. Since Nate is not a big fan of dirty hands, we decided to try it with shredded paper.

Nate finding his hidden toys. Please note how clean the floor is at this point LOL!

Taking a break while mom re-hides the toys!

After finding the toys several times, he decided to make a castle.

Then destroy it!

He figured out pretty quickly how much fun it is to toss the paper in the air.

Then he would sweep it up into a pile........

So he could throw it once again!

Yes, it was an extremely messy endeavor but totally worth the clean up time! Nate was in heaven!


  1. That looks freakin awesome!!! Can Aubree and I come play too? :)

  2. Sure! I have tons of shredded paper!

  3. what an AWESOME idea!! I'm going to dig my shredder out of the garage just so we can do this next time it rains! Genius!!
