Monday, May 11, 2009

Nate's New Swing Set!

Sean and I have been thinking about purchasing little man a new swing set for months. His old set was rusting, the seats were broken and I think one screw was holding the thing together. Our lovely neighbors gave us the set two years ago after their son outgrew it. I think they had had it for about 10 years ago. It was definitely on it's last leg! We found a set we liked online but the shipping cost exceeded the purchase price. No thank you! Sean noticed a Kmart ad in yesterdays paper with our swing set on sale. Hmm, what's a mom to do. That's right, hop in her car, break all speeding laws, run like a lunatic to the service desk and grab the last one!

You would think it would come in a larger box with the amount of shipping they wanted!

Sean and Nate assembling the set.

Nate playing with power tools. Our motto is start them early LOL!

Nate taking a break from all the strenous work!

Testing out the product.

Thanks to my wonderful husband! It took almost four hours to assemble and it was raining the entire time! You are the best and I love you!

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