Friday, May 15, 2009

Learning to Count is FUN!

Nate and I have been working on our numbers. He is really good at counting to 20! Unfortunately, anything over 20 is a struggle. So, in an effort to increase our number count we made a Cheerio necklace! I firmly believe that children learn through play and fun!!!!! Yes, we have workbooks that we use, but we normally make a game out of the pages we are working on. Sorry, I digress! Nate was eating a bowl of Cheerios for breakfast and I thought, HMMM, how can I get him to count the cheerios? Let's make a necklace! Yes, my young son loves jewelry so it was the perfect fit for him :) As I was describing to Nate what we were going to do and getting the supplies in order he says "Mom, you know all the coolest stuff". AWWWW, one of the best moments of this mothers life!

I think Nate's favorite part was eating the necklace! Works for me, we can always count out 50 more cheerios for another!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with Nate. You guys do the coolest things! What a fun way to incorporate 2 things he loves! much kuddos!
