Monday, May 25, 2009

A Time for Reflection...............

As Nate figured out how to use the swing all by himself, I was so proud and yet so sad! It seems like just the other day Nate was a baby. I can't believe he is already three-and-a-half! Where did all the time go? Why is it that when you are a child there are too many hours in a day but as you get older not enough? Yes, I am rather melancholy! As I pondered all our time together my mind automatically went to things that are yet to come.......pre-school, high school, college, marriage. I do not recommend doing this unless you have a large bottle of tequila nearby! My little man is growing up! His independence is growing everyday and please don't get me wrong, I encourage it and am so very proud of all his accomplishments. I just miss the old days sometimes! I am terrified of the day when he no longer want kisses and hugs ( I am praying I can convince him he does)! I look forward to every stage in his life, but sometimes, I just need to remember where we have been!

Nathan, you are my greatest joy and I will continue to love you unconditionally everyday for the rest of your life!

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